Saturday, September 3, 2011

A History of the Hackerspace Movement, Circa 2008

In 2008, an eternity ago in the hackerspace world, Bre Pettis, Astera Schneeweisz, and Jens Ohlig solicited entries from hackers around the world to create a book about hackerspaces. They’ve finally put it out!
This book documents where the hackerspace movement was in December of 2008. In that way it’s a bit of a time capsule. It’s not an exhaustive book, but we hope there are enough stories in here to show that all your excuses for not starting up a hackerspace are invalid. Each group faced down their own dragons to bring their hackerspace into existence including floods, rats, and drama. If they can do it, so can you.
In addition to profiles of hackerspaces there is Bre’s history of the CCC from the NYC Resistor blog, Club-Mate recipes, and coverage of the now-legendary Design Patterns speech Ohlig and collaborator Lars Weiler gave at CCCamp ’07.
It’s super cool! If you’re at all interested in the history of the hackerspace scene, check it out.

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