Saturday, September 10, 2011


[6 Sep 2011 | No Comment | 3,971 views]
Teagueduino: making things really simple

A brief intro:
We love making interactive things and want to help more people join in the fun!
Teagueduino is an open source electronic board and interface that allows you to realize creative ideas without soldering or knowing how to code, while teaching you the basics of programming and embedded development (like arduino). Teagueduino is designed to help you discover your inner …
Garden lights and antitheft control with Arduino via bluetooth We present the candidature of Mr. Felice Pascarelli.
I propose my candidature for TiDiGino contest with an automation project of gardens made with Arduino interfaced to a PC via Bluetooth communication 100m (Class 2).
The idea was born a few days ago, I was a guest of a friend in his new villa with pool (lucky him!).
While we were strolling around the …
[28 Aug 2011 | One Comment | 3,400 views]
Water Tank level display with Arduino We present the candidature of Mr. Danilo Abbasciano that is proposed for the realization of the firmware for the TiDiGino project and that presents us an application with Arduino: Display the level of a tank.
The project reads and displays the height of water level in a well or a cistern.
We will use the open source Arduino hardware device, an ultrasonic …
Arduino typewriter Patel Sohil Sanjaybhai wants to partecipate to our iniziative “TiDiGino Contest”, sent us his application with Arduino to demonstrate his skills in this field: an Arduino Typewriter.
This project shows how to recycle an old PS2 keyboard and a dot matrix printer (DB25) to make a typewriter.
How works:
The idea is connect the keyboard to the printer with a basic and cheap …

Remote-controlled fiber-optic Ceiling Light with Arduino
Mauro Alfieri, who wants to partecipate to our iniziative “TiDiGino Contest”, sent us his new application with Arduino to demonstrate his skills in this field: a Remote-controlled fiber-optic Ceiling Light.
Mauro decribes himself:
Today my work is focused on open-source systems, supporting networking (CCNA) and scripting language programming, in small and mid-sized companies that use Linux/Aix.
Since I was 10 years old, I …
[19 Aug 2011 | One Comment | 2,293 views]
Real-Time Energy Monitor with Arduino and LabVIEW We present the candidature of Mr. Michele Mancini for the TiDiGino Contest. He proposes us a recent application with Arduino: Real-Time Energy Monitor
This is a simple power meter to analize the current consuming in a house using the led indicator of a house energy meter.
Reading the red led of a home energy counters the system detects the corrent consumption in …
Arduino Monitor We present the candidature of Mr. Daniele Denaro for the TiDiGino Contest. He presents us a recent application with the Arduino: the Arduino Monitor.
This is a monitor that displays on the PC analog and digital values ​​read from Arduino. In short, a sort of display and keypad for Arduino made ​​with a computer. The use of a program in Java makes the application easier than a program written in Processing language and also lighter than the use of the protocol Firmata. At the end of the presentation you will find the files for the application on your …

The project TiDiGino
We developed a new GSM remote control called TiDiGino. The name recalls the initials (TDGxx) of our previous GSM remote control and is also based on the Arduino project. All the details of this circuit can be found below, but no the sketch, because this is your assignment.
The contestYou have to write the firmware for this project.  The device must perform all the functions of the past GSM remote control: TDG133 (remote 2IN 2 OUT), TDG134 …

A very interesting feature of Arduino is the great avalaibility of library that make the developer work very simple and fast.
Make a Web Server, a Web Client or post a Tweet haven’t difficulty.
Try to do the same application with the Microchip’s Stack TCP/IP…. It’s not impossible but for beginner developpers is of course hard.
With the Ethernet shield or WiFi shield …
[25 Jun 2011 | No Comment | 2,143 views]
Arduino Motor Shield We are not the first to make an Motor Shield for Arduino.  But could be that we are the first that make a Motor Shield with a minimum of flexibility.
We are studing a WiFi robot with camera controlled by Arduino. The robot will be controlled by browser. But we find a problem with an existing shield: the pin SPI to …

Mini GSM localizer without GPS It’s no the first time that we present a localizer without GPS. We remake the old device with the cheaper SimCom module SIM900. In the previous post we present the GSM section and now we can present the complete localizator.
This system allows for localization without directly using GPS technology; we are able to locate the desired object fairly precisely by

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